A reputable company (Selina Foods) is looking for a food technologist

A reputable company (Selina Foods) is looking for a food technologist/chemist with experience in salt production and quality control.


1-At least 3 years of experience in the salt sector is required.

2- Bachelor's degree in food science or chemistry.

Afghanistan is a country in Afghanistan ( Kabul)

Salary: Competitive in the market. A reputable company (Selina Foods) is looking for a food technologist/chemist with experience in salt production and quality control.


1-At least 3 years of experience in the salt sector is required.

2- Bachelor's degree in food science or chemistry.

Afghanistan is a country in Afghanistan ( Kabul)

Salary: Competitive in the market.

EmailCv at ishaq.takal@selinafoods.com
Note: Only those have experience in Salt Industry can apply.

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